Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Latest News 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'

One of the most anticipated films of 2010 is the Eclipse movie, and since it can not be otherwise since there are many news van prowling around the film.

Does not take much, the Eclipse release date is June 30 in cinemas but still missing a very short time for its release, fans of this series want to see more and more of this vampire love triangle, human and werewolves.

So we're ready for love vampire in the month of June. In Eclipse we will see Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) caught in the middle of a war between vampires and werewolves. As the Harry Potter, Twilight fans already know the story by heart. For them, nothing can stand between the vampire of 108-year-old Robert Pattinson and his beloved Bella.

To begin we note that the eclipse shooting took place last year and was completed in December, so now the movie is already in post-production.

On the other hand, the poster, as we can see above has already been released but we do not know if it will be final.

There is still a trailer that will let us see some scenes from the movie Eclipse, but you only have to give it time.


Indriyani mengatakan...

show us the thriller movie of Eclipse pLeaseeee??

Bhakti Wiguna mengatakan...

watch the eclipse trailer here

mzPOTTER mengatakan...

paling suka adegan wkt bella teriak..
"jaaaake.. kiss me!!",
oh my Goooood,akhirnya,hahaha...


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